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Using Linkboy

Import saves from the My Boy! emulator


Only in-game saves (as opposed to state saves) can be shared between emulators.

  1. In Linkboy, tap the Settings tab on the bottom. Scroll down, find and tap Open app folder. A file manager will show up.

  2. In the file manager, click the 3-bar icon on the top-left, scroll down and tap My Boy!.


    If you can't find it, please update My Boy! to the latest version.

  3. The file manager should now show the internal file structure of My Boy!. Tap the save subfolder.

  4. Select all the files ending with .sav that you would like to import by tapping the icons on the left side of the file names.


    • If the file names are too long and hard to read, it may be helpful to switch to list view and landscape mode.

    • You can select all files regardless of their types, but only .sav files will be recognized by Linkboy.

  5. Tap the 3-dot icon on the top-right, choose Copy to…

  6. Once again, click the 3-bar icon on the top-left but choose Linkboy this time.

  7. The file manager should now show the internal file structure of Linkboy. Tap the saves subfolder.


    The saves folder may not have been created if you have not yet used Linkboy to play a game. In that case, you can manually create one with the file manager.

  8. Tap the Copy button, which will copy all your selected files to this folder.


    If there are already files with the same names, they will be renamed to .bak before being overwritten.

  9. Now switch back to Linkboy. Start your game, tap the menu button, and then the 3-bar icon. Tap 'Reboot game'. The game will restart and your new .sav file will be picked up by the emulator.